Development and business models


Development and business models

This time, I need to write about one development model and about one business model and use some projects for example. I have two rules for situations, when I cannot decide what I should write about.

Kanban/Waterfall and Statistics Department

Rule nr 1 - Ask mom. Actually this rule works in a lot of situations.

So happened that my mom is a developer in the Statistics Department. I ask which development model they use. Her team commonly uses Kanban in combination with Waterfall.

As a base for Kanban they use Waterfall steps - Requirement-> Design-> Development-> Testing -> Maintenance. For every step they have a special table, sort of Kanban board, which helps visualize and organize the work. Before doing something and after something is done, they have discussion and feedback. Not only within one team but also with uppers, who give the task. In the team they have freedom to give ideas and offer the changes. They always can see what others do and have already done. They have a limited number of “work in progress”. And they always look for new ways to improve their productivity. (For example, they try to use a Scrum model too) So basically they use the main principle of Kanban.

Eve online and Freemium

Rule nr 2 - write about EVE online. It's not the first time I've used this rule in this blog.

Officially EVE are F2P (free to play), but actually it's Freemium. 

Freemium is its business model where you can use products for free but with limited functions. If you want to use the full version you must buy premium.

EVE online can be played for free. But you cannot use advanced spaceship and equipment, nor can you upgrade very powerful skills. You will have only 30% content.

To get another 70% you need to buy premium (omega status). It can be purchased for a limited duration, so you need regular pay to be an omega clone. (Or if you play a lot, you can use in-game money to buy premium, but it is a very long way)

It's actually pretty new for EVE. Before that it was pay-to-play like WOW. But with Freemium they got a lot of new players, who start to play the free version and then byr premium, to enjoy the full game.


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