How To Become A Hacker

 Today, I read “How To Become A Hacker” by Eric S. Raymond.

I always thought that hackers are people who are breaking into computers, stealing passwords and doing other funny things. But now I know that hackers are more network-anarchists who support free-software , obey Netiquette rule nr 6  and do other funny things. About those who I called “hackers” are actually named “crackers”.

In the article Eric S. Raymond describes Hackers as sort of sub-culture and community and tells how to become part of it. Not only tells basic skills (like programming and unix operating) but also gives recommendations about personality development. I don't sure that “Train in a martial-arts form.'' and ”Study an actual meditation discipline.” help become a hacker but definitely got things to study.

As I know, nowadays they do not call themselves “hackers” anymore but they still exist. And if you want to become part of them you need basicli support free-software in different ways,publish useful information and do different supportive internet things.

But if you want to get the password for someone else's account, break into/read/monitor someone else's email or/and steal channel op privileges on IRC then, please, “Get lost, moron” and call yourself cracker.

As for me, this article got me interested in this subculture. Maybe I try to become part of them.

I want to recommend reading this article to everyone who uses the internet. Because I think that “hackers” make the world wide web better.

You can read more here.


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