What quality would best distinguish a "professional" from a "laborer" in the same profession?

 In my opinion, a laborer may know what to do to get the job done, but professionals must know why and how it works like that.

In example programming, a laborer may know what he should write and how to use StackOverFlow, but professionals know how and why code works and what exactly needs change to get another result. 

Code of professionals will be more optimized and if they discover a bug, they will fix it properly, while laborers are more likely to just put “crutch”. If a program needs to be modified, profesional modified it properly because he knows how programs work but the laborer just add another function or something like that. And a lot of other examples...

Professionals can explain his work neither to the client, colleague or student. Labor may explain only “What needs to be done to make that happen”. In other words, professionals can teach subjects, not only train work ability.

I think the thing that would best distinguish a "professional" from a "laborer" is that a professional not only got the job done but also understood his work. Hehen easily improves and fixes his work but also explains it while labore only can make the job done.


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