
Showing posts from February, 2021

MMO as a Social Network

 In this post I will write why I think that MMORPG is more Social Network than just a game.There is more of my personal experience than objective facts, but I think it is very representative. I will speak mostly about my favorite MMO - Excel Table Online...oh, I mean EVE Online. If I recall right, a social network is a platform which people use to build social relationships with other people, meet new people and communicate with people who share your interest. First of all, mostly all people in one game share at least one interest. I believe that there is no need to spell it, right?  Plus, games feel less real and as impact - people fear less to do something which is hard to do IRL. It all makes it easier to start a conversation with a stranger and meet new people. For example, one day in EVE I go to the asteroid belt to mine some materials. There was another miner. And because mining in Eve is a very meditative process, it is a little bit boring. So to kill some time, I start...

Two pre-internet phenomena

  New week, new post. This time we will write about : two different phenomena (technology, practice, custom, etc.) from the previous history of the Internet (before the advent of the Internet, ie in 1991) - one that could still be familiar to today's Internet user (ie coming out today) and the other lost (either replaced by newer technologies / practices or otherwise extinct). Let’s start from “lost” technology. The PLATO System In 1960 at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, the Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations started as a project to make a system for computer-based education. But become mostly the prototype of the modern internet. The ability to support so many users simultaneously helped facilitate the creation of an online community.  “What had started as a means of creating educational materials and fostering literacy came instead to foster online communities, distance education, online classified ads, discussion groups on myriad topics, PLATO...

A few facts about history of video games.

The last day of the deadline. It's time to write the blog. Subject - "Describe three exciting historical IT solutions": before 1900, 1901-1950 and 1951-2000. So, I decided to write about a few interesting game facts. First artificial game opponent or “Mechanical Turk” One of the most famous and popular turn-based strategies is chess. And one of the oldest. Not surprised, that first not-human opponent was invented for this game.  “Mechanical Turk” was constructed by Wolfgang von Kempelen in 1770 by Wolfgang von Kempelen. “Turk” was the automaton - a relatively self-operating machine. “Gameplay began with the Turk moving his head from side to side to survey the board before appearing to decide on the first move. His left arm then jerked forward, the fingers splayed, and he picked up a chess piece, moving it to another square before setting it down.” 2. And he plays very well. He even can detect when humans are cheating. That was impressive ….trick. It actually was operated ...